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Beacon.Black is an acoustic experience designed to transport its audience through the desolate but striking landscape of Orford Ness and its history of listening to and transmitting sound.

Beacon.Black is a 24-hour radio station which is inspired by Orford Ness’s history of spying and signal jamming as well as capturing its current transmissions from migratory birds and the ever-present wind. is home to an album’s worth of audio content, based on augmented field recordings that I made on Orford Ness alongside a second stream exploring the history of surveillance and broadcast of the ‘island of secrets’.

This work is part of the hybrid physical and online exhibition Afterness which runs 1 July until 30 October 2021, commissioned and produced by Artangel. Presented in partnership with the National Trust. is conceived by Brian d’Souza and designed by Futurimpose

  • Stream 1 - All audio composed by Brian d’Souza in Flo Studios, London.

  • Stream 2 - Various recordings made on Orford Ness by Chris Watson, Iain Chambers and recordings from The Conet Project


The Soniferous Forest, London, UK


Afterness, Orford, UK