Swell Room

The Swell Room is a space to escape, using the power of sound to take you on a journey into the depths of your consciousness - for relaxation and for creative inspiration.

We're delivering the experience via a vibroacoustic bed and headphones that mean you feel the sound through your body as well as hearing it through your ears. A literal sonic massage.

To start, I composed two 'Sound Treatments' - 20mins and 40 mins long, bringing together biophillic sound recordings, acoustic instrumentation and my sound therapy training..

“At one point, I think I can hear the sound of rattling shells or shingle, and there’s a constant thrumming ohm sound. My brain tries to find patterns, or make up a story about what I’m hearing, but the sound is amorphous enough that I can disengage and drift. As someone who can only usually sleep in total silence, I manage to nod off a few times.

The ideal pause from Auld Racket.”

Edinburgh Evening News


Cubes Of Perpetual Light, Scotland


Music for Psychedelics - Imperial College, London, UK